National Professional Standard for Sound Engineers

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the People ’s Republic of China has formulated instructions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Labor Law of the People ’s Republic of China to provide a scientific and standardized basis for vocational education, vocational training and vocational skill appraisal in order to further complete the national vocational standard system The Ministry of Security organized relevant experts to formulate the National Professional Standard for Sound Engineers (hereinafter referred to as "Standards").

1. This "Standard" is based on the "Classification of Occupational Classification of the People's Republic of China" and aims to objectively reflect the current level of the profession and the requirements for practitioners. After fully considering economic development, technological progress and changes in industrial structure On the basis of the impact, the scope of occupations, work content, skill requirements and knowledge levels are clearly defined.

2. The formulation of this "standard" complies with the requirements of relevant technical regulations, which not only guarantees the standardization of the "standard" style, but also reflects the characteristics of being oriented by professional activities and taking professional skills as the core, while also making it based on science and technology. To develop flexibility and practicality for adjustment, which meets the needs of training, identification and employment.

3. This "Standard" classifies this occupation into five grades according to relevant regulations, including the contents of occupation summary, basic requirements, work requirements and proportion table.

4. This Standard is completed with the joint efforts of relevant experts and practical workers. The main people participating in the compilation are: Zhao Bingkun, Zeng Yuanji, Li Wei, Wu Jianyang, Li Dakang, Wang Zexiang, Zhou Ming, Yang Yilong, Wang Ligeng, Wu Dongsheng, Chen Dapeng, Zhang Jie, Liu Yangmin, and the main people participating in the review are: Guo Chen, Gao Weizhong, Zou Qingyi , Zhou Xiaodong, Li Yunguang, Yin Yongxin. In the process of formulating this "Standard", it has received strong support from the Audio and Video Professional Committee of the China Audiovisual Association, and I would like to thank you all.

5. This "Standard" has been approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and will come into force on July 2, 2003.
Beijing Kunguang Vocational Skills Training School is a training institution that has the qualification to train sound recorders. The school conducts training according to this standard, and those who pass the assessment will be issued a sound recording professional qualification certificate. For details, please visit the China Professional Audio and Video Network.

National Professional Standard for Sound Engineers

1. Career Overview
1.1 Professional name sound engineer.
1.2 Professional staff who are engaged in sound recording and production of broadcasting, film and television, stage, audio-visual, advertising, Internet, conferences, etc.
1.3 Occupational level This occupation has five levels, namely: assistant recording engineer (National Vocational Qualification Level 5) recording engineer (National Vocational Qualification Level 4), intermediate recording engineer (National Vocational Qualification Level 3), recording technician (National Vocational Qualification Qualification Level 2), Senior Recording Engineer (National Vocational Qualification Level 1).
1.4 Professional environment indoor and outdoor, room temperature.
1.5 Features of professional ability: sharp hearing and coordinated movements.
1.6 Education level high school graduation (or equivalent)
1.7 Training requirements
1.7.1 Training period Full-time vocational school education is determined according to its training objectives and teaching plan. Promotion training period: assistant recording engineer no less than 240 standard hours; recording engineer no less than 200 standard hours: intermediate recording engineer no less than 160 standard hours; recording technician no less than 120 standard hours; senior recording engineer no less than 80 standards Hours.
1.7.2 Training teachers Training assistant recording engineers and recording engineer teachers should possess the professional qualifications of intermediate recording engineer and above or the qualifications of relevant professional intermediate and above professional titles; the teachers training intermediate recording engineer should have the professional recording technician Professional qualification certificate and above or related professional intermediate technical position qualifications, teachers training recording technicians should have the qualification certificate of the senior recording engineer of this profession or senior professional technical position qualifications of relevant professions, and the teacher training senior recording technicians should have The professional qualification certificate of the senior recording engineer of this profession is more than 2 years or the qualification of the senior professional technical position of the relevant major.
1.7.3 The training venue equipment has standard classrooms and practice places that meet the teaching needs, as well as the necessary recording equipment and teaching aids.
1.8 Identification requirements
1.8.1 Applicable to persons engaged in or planning to engage in this occupation.
1.8.2 Application conditions-assistant sound engineer (one with the following conditions)
(1) The professional assistant recording engineer has been formally trained to meet the prescribed standard hours and obtained a certificate of completion.
(2) Over 2 years of continuous probation work in this occupation.

——Sound engineer (one with the following conditions)
(1) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional assistant recording engineer, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 2 years, and has received regular training hours of the professional training of the professional recording engineer, and obtained the completion certificate.
(2) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional assistant recording engineer, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 3 years.
(3) Continuously engaged in this occupation for more than 6 years.
(4) Obtained a vocational school (professional) graduation certificate from a secondary or higher vocational school that has been approved by the labor security administrative department and aimed at training intermediate skills.

——Intermediate sound engineer (one of the following conditions)
(1) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional sound engineer, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 3 years, and has been trained by the middle-level sound engineer of the profession to meet the required standard hours, and obtained the certificate of completion.
(2) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional sound engineer, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 5 years.
(3) Obtain a senior professional school or a professional (professional) graduation certificate of a higher vocational school that has been approved by the labor security administrative department and has advanced skills as the training target.
(4) Graduates of relevant majors who have obtained the professional qualification certificate of this professional sound engineer and have been engaged in this professional work for more than 2 years.

——Recording technician (one of the following conditions)
(1) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the intermediate recording engineer in this profession, he has been working in this profession for more than 4 years, and has received regular training hours in the formal training of this professional recording technician, and obtained a certificate of completion.
(2) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of intermediate recording engineer in this profession, he has been engaged in this profession for more than 6 years.
(3) Graduates of senior technical school schools (professional) and graduates of junior college or related majors who have obtained the vocational qualification certificate of intermediate recording engineer of this profession, and have been engaged in this profession for more than 2 years.

——Senior sound engineer (one with the following conditions)
(1) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional recording technician, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 3 years, and has been trained by the senior professional recording engineer for the required standard hours, and obtained the completion certificate.
(2) After obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional recording technician, he has been engaged in the professional work for more than 5 years.
1.8.3 Appraisal methods are divided into theoretical knowledge examination and skill operation assessment. The theoretical knowledge examination adopts the closed book written examination method, and the skill operation assessment adopts the field actual operation method. The theoretical knowledge examination and assessment skills operation assessment are both implemented in a one-hundred-point system, and those with a score of 60 points or more are qualified. Appraisal of recording technicians and senior recording engineers also requires comprehensive review.
1.8.4 The ratio of appraisers and candidates The theoretical knowledge of appraisers and candidates is 1:15, and there are not less than 2 appraisers in each standard classroom; the ratio of skill operation appraisers and candidates is 1: 5 Less than 3 appraisers. There are not less than 5 comprehensive jury members.
1.8.5 Appraisal time The theoretical knowledge examination time is not less than 120min; the skill operation assessment time is not less than 240min, and the comprehensive assessment time is not less than 120min.
1.8.6 The examination of the theoretical knowledge of the equipment at the appraisal site is conducted in the standard classroom; the skill operation assessment is conducted at the site (simulated site) with the necessary recording equipment and equipment
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